who we are

About the Plettenberg Bay Environmental forum

The Plett Environmental Forum promotes and educates on environmental awareness, striving to maintain a clean and green environment while engaging in sustainable development projects.


Maintain a clean, green environment


Engage in sustainable development projects

Our mission

Our mission is to promote the constitutional rights of our people through the promotion of conservation and sustainable development and the creation of environmental awareness and education initiatives, whilst uplifting the livelihoods of the community.

Our vision

We believe that our people’s constitutional rights should be realised; specifically, the right to a healthy and protected environment for all. Therefore the Forum is structured in such a way as to promote, support and encourage the realisation of these rights.

Our pinciples

Our guiding principle is to encourage development that is appropriate for our unique and beautiful surroundings by participating in processes that apply environmental legislation to decision-making, to follow “better-than-best” practice principles and to exercise good governance.

We will strive to implement pro-active, collaborative programmes to enhance habitats and their species and work with communities towards enabling healthy environments.

What we Do

Our primary function

The Forum addresses environmental, development, and legislative matters during these gatherings. Additionally, it provides comments on these issues using an agreed appropriate procedure when necessary. Furthermore, the Forum actively implements projects and awareness campaigns to proactively contribute to the cause.

Executive team

The Executive team comprises a chairperson, Treasurer, and a permanent consultant with an environmental background, facilitating regular meetings.


The committee includes representatives from various environmental groups, conservancies, and interested individuals. Attendance at meetings is open to all, and meeting notes are readily accessible.